
Smoothing calender

The Sicam smoothing calenders are used to obtain a particularly smooth surface on the non wovwn. Thanking to the high temperature and to a proper adjusting of the roll speed the final nonwoven has not single fibers in evidence on the surface. This calenders are usually are usually uninstalled after ovens foe the production of thermobonded waddings. According to the kind of non wovewns and to the required smoothing effect, the surface of the roll can be Teflon coated or chromium plated.
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The heating is by diathermic oil with high flow pumps.
The rolls are driven with a system of cardanic shafts and independent motors.

The oil circulation in the rolls is through proper elicoidal multiprincilple channels near the roll surface, with proper connection each other to obtain a perfect temperature uniformity.

Technical features

Working with: 1000-4500 mm
Production speed: 10-80 m/min
Maximum working temperature: 250 °C
Heating systems: Electrical resistance
Diathermical oil electrical heated or by gas boiler
Working pressure: 10-20 kg/cm
Roll shape: cylindrical
Roll surface: Teflon coated or cromiun plated
Rolls hardness: according to the cromiun plated
Adjusting of the distance between the rolls: hydraulicall nitriding treatment or pneumatic